Wallet Export

You can export your selected wallet from here by initiating the wallet export.

The Wallet Pin is your Wallet Claim Pin!

To proceed, please enter the Wallet Claim Pin that you set during the initial Wallet Claim procedure.

You need to set a new password for the Wallet Export Password here for the first time.

The private key is exported in an encrypted keystore format, which requires a password.

This password is required for exporting the wallet. The wallet export password is meant to encrypt the keystore file before it's sent to you. Later, if you wish to import the keystore file into another wallet, you´ll need the same wallet encryption password to decrypt the keystore file.

Please note that the wallet export password cannot be changed nor recovered.

​If you forget or lose the password, you will not be able to import or decrypt your exported wallet keystore file. It's important to remember this before initiating the wallet export process.

The Password must consist of a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 32 characters and digits.

Only & # $ % . : * ? = ! are allowed as special characters!

Once you have entered your credentials, click on the NEXT> button to continue. To confirm the export, please check your email and click on the link provided in the message. The email will be sent to you shortly.

After you get the confirmation email, click on the "CONFIRM NOW" link to start exporting your wallet. You will get a final email message with the keystore file attached to it shortly after.

Please keep in mind that the keystore file attached to this message is password-protected with the password you chose earlier. You can import the wallet into your personal wallet application or choose to back it up whenever you want.

When claiming or exporting your wallet, please make sure to stay aware of the INFO MESSAGE on the left side for extra details.

Last updated